Twisted lamb
mary lee is an arist who has her picturers on famous rap artist blogg page kanye west .whither cam she can capture moments that you whould miss whith an un traned eye ‘and I feel she proves that whith this picture .lee capturs in only 3 picturse over a thausand difrent rock stars ,she capturs the styl of steven tylor whith the pain of kurt cobbain
and the sudoction of blondie and the addiction of mr. mojorision him self jim morrioson .the model has to get the credit for some of the work for being able to be used in such a way but I think that mary should get most of the credit for being able to use some one who has probable lived a full life ,hallowing her out to a sell and bringing the spirit of rock throw thes brown eyes .one can only amagin did the modle fell what I felt when I looked at this pichter did she realy fell kurt cobains pain .jims addiction ,and now that I think about it the class of jimi hendrix .i can honistly say that I have never felt this way about a picture its almost like experiencing rock and rool for the first time all over again.
this is so cold dada is da shit
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