Yes its finaly been announce that there will be a gears 3 people how cool is that i mean im very happy there makeing anther one and going to buy anther 360 just to get it when it comes out next years i am a huge gears fan i beatting and played both games loved them both beating them alot of times and now im so glad they put some girl gears in the game this year there a lot of new mosters weapons and all new finshers and games modes online to one that i kown of is all called beast i don't no what else they are going to add to the game this year but hopefully cliff will surprise us.
And i dont kown if this will be the last game of gears we will see but if that is so it really was a great game to play. if u didnt see e3 microsoft press conference then u missed out on some good game play for this game i wish they would have showed mored but we take what they can give so here is the video of the gameplay and i hope to see and play u guy online real soon.
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