The Buttery Ass Way Of Not Gettin' Shot
Wesley Keys Wants Our Women To Dream
I was left breathless. Because before I was born came bridges that connected beats that make my feet dance desperately to separate souls from puppeteer strings. Stringed instruments put stress on simple souls. Bob their heads to drum machine patterns, drumming up patterns of distress and unrest. Unwilling to open the eyes of those 4, 5 and 6 year old girls who only see through night vision goggles of video vixens. Intoxicating their minds to move their hips and in turn they move their behind. They are behind. Behind rappers who lynch themselves with chains. Behind rappers who decorate themselves with the reddest and bloodiest diamonds turned transparent, I see right through you. They are still slaves. Slaves to the land of mediocrity. multiplying and dividing this empty wealth among themselves. She is the ornament that dangles from his arm.She is his eye candy. She is the chain that hangs on his lynched neck. She is the gold digger. But how can you dig gold out of copper mines. Empty minds is what I see. I wish to write a letter
Dear yellow diamond spoiler chick. Dear miss how easily do I forget that Angela Davis did not wear natural hair with a balled fist raised high in the air so I could be his bust it baby. Dear miss I forget that I am the only image that these girls see. I wish you could dream. Because that all these girls are doing is dreaming your reality. Let the heartbeats lead your movements again. Forget the drum machine. Forget snare and the bass. Remember that there was a time that the beat machine was our bodies. Begin to dance again. Begin to dream again. Begin to live again. Begin to know that your hip movements exsistince did not start with a tip drill video. Your movements were forged in the fire of the dance on African coast lines. Not even chains. Chains could not curb your boogie. You tapped, bopped, swung your way across the Atlantic. Up from southern bondage that you danced around to the dance halls of New York, to the basement parties in Detroit, to the Mayfair dance academy in Chicago. My sisters, I love you. Go back that natural state and begin to dances to those rhythms that you hear when you sleep. Begin to dream.
Matt Infante Kills With The Kick Of His Art

Ooops POW...Surprise!!! (PSA)
Matt Infante New Young Artist

Here is some lovely art by the self taught Matt Infante. I really like this piece because there are so many themes working here in this simple piece. The sleek fluid piece on the bottom left creates a nice contrast with the rigid colorful background. Check out the other works of Matt Infante I'll be posting later. Contact me at to contact Matt Infante.
From The Eyes of a Writer
Writer- Yeah, why.
Jeff-Don't you think what you are doing is wrong?
Jeff-Why not?
Writer-Because I don't think art should be censored.
Writer-Well there trying to give people five years for writing and there are drug lords out there and gang bangers. All I want to do is spread my art around so people can see beautiful art every where
Jeff-What do you say to people who don't think that what you are doing is right?
Writer-Well they doin't really know what art is.
Jeff-Well do you think that messing with other peoples property?
Jeff-Well an architect who made that building so its all most like your slashing other peoples work.
Writer-Well to be real with you I really don't give a fuck. I just wanna be remembered.
STA: The reason that he started this is because The owner who owns St Alfred’s owns a store in Hawaii called Kicks Hawaii Which started in 2001, but the owner was sending a lot of shoes to his friends in Chicago and he thought that the Chicagoans shoe game was not up to par so he made St Alfred’s in 2005 in Chicago IL.
Bill Tyler: So how many St Alfred’s are in the world?
STA: Its only 1 store in the world and its right here in Chicago
Terrell: So what makes you bring the store here in Chicago instead of anywhere else?
STA: He brings it to Chicago because this city gets looked over. from entertainment, movies, music and shoes. People are usually looking at cali, LA, SF or New York. So the owners saw that and they thought that Chicago was a good city, it has a lot to offer and so people wont have to move to those cities just to do anything like getting a shoe or business and stuff like that. St Alfred’s is sorta like the beacon that reminder that stay here and work with the city and the city has been very receptive to the shop and they appreciate it.
STA; for the past 4 months they been doing a space with Nike. The first 3 months was soccer focus the next few months it will be the running focus there going to have a party on that on the 13th and loupe fiasco is coming to perform as well as a few other people, as far as the 5th year an of St Alfred’s we are working on some things to have the party like are technical 5th anniversary is in November so we will probably have a party around there and we will do something you know.?
Bill: Yea
Terrell: So where do you get you guys style of shoe from.?
STA: Well we get are shoes from are actual account like we have a Nike account, converse account vans etc.. we get those shoes directly from the manufactor and they mostly focus on exclusive shoes the shoes u mainly don’t see on anybody feet that what makes ST Alfreds where it is now.
Bill: Like has any Stars shopped here before?
STA: yea like I said before lupe fiasco, Pharrell and nerd has been here umm…ghost face, redman, Drake.
That's Gay
A Crazy Day
American Greed At Its Best. GET MONEY Michael Duke

Ghost in the machine
Ghost in the Machine is an art series made by flicker user iri5, which uses cassette tapes to make the image of famous rock star and actors.
Iri5 has made great rock stars like Santana; Bob Dylan, and even John Lennon. This Bob Marley peace is my favorite because of the way he made his hair layer over each other and because of the famous Rasta colors on the cassette tap .He captures the hi of Bob Marley’s eyes very well to.
Iri5and the art series (Ghost in the Machine) can be found on
Review of Sakineh Mohammadi Case
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani currently sits on death row in Iran for committing the crime of adultery. In May 2006, she was first convicted for having an "illicit relationship" with two men after her husband died, and was then sentenced to 99 lashes. A year later, when the case was reopened, and she was convicted of murdering her husband and committing adultery while he was still alive, which carries sentence of death by stoning. The international community has reacted harshly to this information. This weekend Brazil made the offer to Iran to give asylum to Ashtiani. Iranian officials claim that Brazil's president is too "humane and emotional" and "has not received enough information about the case."
New York Representative Goes In On The Replublicans
Air Jordan 11
Crossover History
Who are the best 5 fighting video games in the world, Tekken, Tekken, Tekken Tekken, Tekken, or at least that’s my opinion. Ok, maybe I could put Street Fighter as one of them but the rest of them are still Tekken, unless maybe Street Fighter and Tekken would make a crossover game but that’ll never happen. Excuse me, what did you say? Jeffery Meteorman Freelon did you say that Capcom IS coming out with Street Fighter vs Tekken? BLASPHEMOUS!
This year at Comicon the head developer of Street Fighter and Tekken had a joint conference for the games that might destroy the small pitiful existence of what I call my social life. (Just kidding guys I’m very cool and in.) The conference started with the announcement of Street Fighter 3rd Strike being put online, then was interrupted by the head of Tekken. Since I could care less about suspense lets fast forward. They played a trailer for Street Fighter vs Tekken and showed some limited game play of Ryu vs Kazuya showcasing both of their supers in which Ryu got help from Chun-Li and Kazuya helped by Nina. The demo was in a Street Fighter 4 format but the head producer of Tekken goes to announce that they will be making Tekken vs Street Fighter in a Tekken format. Basically the next 3 years of fighting games will make history, oh and that’s the catch these games will probably be coming out in the next 3 to 4 years if nothing goes wrong. Until then catch up on your Tekken and get Marvel vs Capcom 3. 2011 and on Crossover History baby.
game play trailer
Vic Mensa - Too Hard
The Fate Of Two Worlds Is In Your Console
For those who missed E3 this year Capcom made a big announcement about what they would do with one of their famous fighting game franchises. They announced, after ten years, that they would be making a 3rd installment to Marvel vs Capcom. For those who don’t know what Marvel vs Capcom is go look it up on youtube. Just know that this game looks very promising. Some of the characters that have been revealed look real promising, such as Chris Redfeild from Resident Evil, Thor from Marvel, and Dante from Devil May Cry, along with game play trailers, which look gorgeous. From the looks of these trailers the game looks like it plays the same but with new little systems that tweak the gameplay like being able to switch between characters in the middle of an aerial combo, continuing it. To give you a better visual of what the game looks like It's like Capcom took Marvel vs Caocom 2 and gave it some form of healthy crack cocaine, yeah its that crazy. Those who cant wait to play this game sorry you got to wait till next year, but for know just keep teasing your self with trailers they have on youtube.
Police Brutality (Oscar Grant)


Yes its finaly been announce that there will be a gears 3 people how cool is that i mean im very happy there makeing anther one and going to buy anther 360 just to get it when it comes out next years i am a huge gears fan i beatting and played both games loved them both beating them alot of times and now im so glad they put some girl gears in the game this year there a lot of new mosters weapons and all new finshers and games modes online to one that i kown of is all called beast i don't no what else they are going to add to the game this year but hopefully cliff will surprise us.