7:54 AM

Police Brutality (Oscar Grant)

police brutality has struck once again this time in Oakland,California but unlike the beating of Rodney King the shooting and killing of Oscar Grant was hardly talked about in the media. The officer who killed Oscar Grant was only given 2 to 4 years because of the excuse that it was an accident that officer Mehserle shot a clearly unarmed man and killed him. yungbart says what does behavior like this say about the people who are supposed to serve and protect us,I'll tell you what i think I think people just don't care and I'm not pointing fingers at any specific group of people because its happend on both sides of the coin which you will see in the case of Michael Bailey who was an officer who was murderd by a robber so at the end of the day i think we all as a people should just work together and stop the violence THINK!!!!!!!


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